Pediatric Root Canal

Pulp Treatment
The “pulp” of a tooth is comprised of nerves, tissue, and blood vessels that allow our teeth to remain vital, or alive. However, if untreated decay reaches the pulp or a traumatic injury causes the pulp to be damaged, this can lead to inflammation and subsequent pain.
The primary goal of pulp therapy is to treat, restore, and save the affected tooth and their supporting tissues. After a thorough visual exam is completed and a radiograph is taken of the affected area, it will be determined which pulp therapy procedure is indicated. The most common pulp therapy procedures performed by pediatric dentists are the pulpotomy, which is localized to the top part of the pulp, and the pulpectomy, which involves the entire pulp including the root canals. After the necessary pulp therapy is completed, a final restoration can be placed on the tooth to allow the tooth to fall out on its own.
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